Pronunciación Pronunciation

Páginas relacionadas:
· Letras especiales

· Los acentos



Las vocales

The vowels

Las consonantes

The consonants


Las vocales

The vowels



Like the a in father



Like the e in get



Like the i in machine



Like the u in rule



Like the o in pot


Las consonantes

The consonants


B - Like the English B.

C - Before a consonant or a, o, or u, like the c in cat; before e or i like an s or like the Spanish Z.

D - Like the English d except between vowels and following l or n where pronounced like the th in this.

F - Like the F in "for".

G - Before e or i, like the Spanish j; otherwise like the g in get.

H - Silent.

J - Like an English H but stronger; silent when at the end of a word.

K - Like the English K.

L - Like the English L.

M - Like the English M.

N - Like the English N; except where it appears before a V, like an M.

Ñ - like the first N in "onion".

P - like the English P.

Q - like a K; always followed by a silent U.

R - Pronounced with a strong trill at the beginning of a word and following an L, N, or S; very little trill when at the end of a word; and medium trill in other positions (See RR in Letras especiales).

S - Before consonants B, D, G, L, M, N, like a Z; otherwise like an S.

T - Like the English T.

V - Like a Spanish B.

W - Usually like a V.

X -When between vowels, like the X in box; before a consonant, like an S.

Y - Like the Y in "yes".

Z - Like an S in Atlantic versions of Spanish, like the TH in "tethered" in mainland Spain.

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Pequeña guía del español
Pronunciación Pronunciation
Pequeña guía del español
Pronunciación Pronunciation
Pequeña guía del español
Pronunciación Pronunciation