Páginas relacionadas:
· Pronunciación
From zero to ten
From twenty to one hundred
From two hundred to two thousand
Del cero al diez
From zero to ten
0 - Cero
1 - Uno
2 - Dos
3 - Tres
4 - Cuatro
5 - Cinco
6 - Seis
7 - Siete
8 - Ocho
9 - Nueve
10 - Diez
Del veinte al cien
From twenty to one hundred
20 - Veinte
30 - Treinta
40 - Cuarenta
50 - Cincuenta
60 - Sesenta
70 - Setenta
80 - Ochenta
90 - Noventa
100 - Cien
Note: Most numbers below one hundred are constructed using the structure "ten y unit". So, for example, for saying 41, you'd use "cuarenta y uno". Some exceptions join both words, like 21 - "veintiuno".
Del doscientos al dos mil
From two hundred to two thousand
200 - Doscientos
300 - Trescientos
400 - Cuatrocientos
500 - Quinientos
600 - Seiscientos
700 - Setecientos
800 - Ochocientos
900 - Novecientos
1000 - Mil
2000 - Dos mil
Note: As you can see, hundreds are built with a similar structure to the tens, but this time adding "cientos". The structure to saying the numbers between is also similar, you'd use "hundred + ten y unit". So, number 245 would be "doscientos cuarenta y cinco". For years, you'd say "Dos mil + unit". "año dos mil diecinueve" (año=year). The ninetees are built using something similar to "Mil novecientos noventa y nueve" (1999).